Top 41 Cat Blogs You Should Know About

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1. I have Cat, Single in the City, With Cats


Blogger Tamari representing cat ladies from all around the world. This cat blog is one of our favorites due to the variety of well-written content. Tamar is one of the leading cat bloggers on the web.  Aside from the cute cat pillows they sell,  one can find interesting articles about all cat subject matter.

2. Living With Loulou

poopy cat

Living With Loulou is maybe a little like turning the pages of the I Ching. Any one day’s blog, if you decide to read it, might have an answer you were searching for! I know that’s pretty serious so let me say, too, that I love to do my blog with humor and silliness and hope you’ll smile or even maybe laugh out loud at some of my crazy ideas about every subject on earth. If I can do that, than I’ve done my tiny part to help the world spin in a kind and gentle direction.

3. The Purrington Post

Blogger Mouse led by the talented editor in chief the Purrington post is a fun, informative, humorous and often cheeky blog that celebrates cats of all types. Articles focus on cat behavior, cat lifestyle and inspiring feline stories. Coming mid-2017 they will be adding a new online store filled with unique and memorable kitty toys and accessories. Cat lovers will find this blog definitely worth following!

4. The Way of Cats Blog

top cat blog

Blogger: Pamela Merritt. Truly a cat blog worth mentioning. What started as a hobby for Pamela soon became AN incredible, many-layered, enterprise. The result? A great cat blog with loads of useful content. Make sure to check out the Cat Types section. Make sure to check out the Cat Types section. Way of Cats is a true inspiration for cat bloggers around the globe.

5. Love Meow Cat

love meow

In addition to their great website, Love Meow takes part in cat rescue events and community awareness.  They also aid in finding homes for abandoned cats. We recommend taking a look at the video section.

6. The Fluffy Kitty

“Meet the Fluffy Kitty blogging team, Brittany and Paul and their adopted kitty, Yoda. This traveling trio writes all about cats on their unique blog where Yoda is the star. What began as a small DIY cat litter box furniture project turned into a huge passion for helping cat pawents take better care of their fluffy beasts. Follow their blog to catch Yoda on his global adventures and to read the latest pawticles related to cat travel, health, behavior, nutrition, and more!”

7. Katzenworld

As the UK’s top cat blog Katzenwolrd has definitely earned its spot on our list. The blog is lead by the awesome Marc Andre, who lead a talented team of writers that make sure you get access to a tune  of cute videos and pictures and stories of cats from across the world.

8. Sparkle Cat

Great source for book reviews with an awesome online store for kitty toys and accessories. Our guides on products like Cat treescat brushes and sifting litter boxes will provide you all the info in order to be a wise consumer . Our favorite part  is the Advice section, where you’ll find helpful tips on a very large range of topics all given from a cat’s perspective.

9. Simon’s Cat

Warning, death due to laughing may occur while visiting this page! Simon cat’s logic videos are absolutely hilarious. If you haven’t seen them yet you are missing out.

10. Chirpy Cats

Here’s a real treat for you! Chirpy Cats focuses on cat enrichment, cat gardens and other fun cat stuff which includes, Monday Haiku, Caturday Doodles (her own kitty cartoons) and Caturday Voodles (cat videos with unique voiceovers). Helping cats live enriched lives with their people.


Blogger:Valentine. Valentine is the creative genius behind Noir Kitty Mews! He’s a sleek cat blogger with an attitude. He author posts on adventures, entertainment, love, life, health, and happiness.  I also feature occasional posts by members of my staff and friends.  Enjoy Noir Kitty Mews!  Mew Mew!

12. The Conscious Cat Blog


Without a doubt one of the best cat blogs around, The Conscious Cat features articles on cat health, cat nutrition, cat behavior, cat lifestyle, pet loss, and more. The Cat blog is owned by Ingrid King  an award-winning author and popular cat blogger, where she shares her insight to the world of cats. Be sure to check out the books section.

13. Cat Wisdom 101

Blogger: Layla Morgan Wilde. At Cat Wisdom 101 cat influencer Layla loves to entertain and educate interested audience with the most recent news, products and information about cats and their owners. Layla Morgan Wilde, cat claimed professor and initiator of Cat Wisdom 101 is a devoted holistic kitten behaviorist who encourages cat adoption and conducts great product reviews. She is a fanatical advocate of promoting the human-feline bond and the embrace of special need cats.

14. Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat

The humorous and touching tales of two formerly homeless, yet always extraordinary, felines and their Momma, who’s just along for the ride. Featuring Bear Cat, Ellie Mae, and a slightly worse-for-the-wear Momma. From an original sense of humor – to sharing the tranformational miracles of the love we receive from our feline friends – reading Momma Kat and Her Bear Cat’s posts will have you doubled-over laughing and your heart smiling for a long time after. Finalists in several categories of the BlogPaws Nose-to-Nose Awards – you’ll find a new appreciation for our feline friends – and laugh so hard you cry!

15. The Cat Blogosphere

Active since 2006 this top cat blog is a true veteran.Today it is one of the popular websites in the cat-blog community,  The Cat Blogosphere acts as a central news hub for trending stories.

16. Life With Cats Blog

life with cats

Huge website with loads of content. everything from great cat news to random cat-related articles , cat videos.Be sure to check out the cat Photography section as well as the Behavior & Lifestyle section.

17. Deziz World

This awesome cat blogs tells the tale of Deztinee Izabella. A Ragdoll and Service Cat for her disabled human mommy. She works alongside her Ragdoll Service Cat sisfur RaenaBelle Mayce. The blog offers really super cool stuff about training methods andinsights on feline behavior, as well as a unique view of the human world.

18. Your Cat Blog

One of the best cat websites in the UK, the Your Cat blog comes from the creators of the UK’s bestselling cat magazine, Your Cat. This top cat blog covers all subjects related to our furry buddies, including health and behaviour advice, cat growth chart,  charity campaigns and rescue cats, and daily news updates from the world of cats. Our Favorites are the Cat Breeds section as well as the Cat Craft section.

19. Catladyland

top cat blog

Blogger: Angie Bailey. Catladyland cat blog was created by award-winning author Angie Bailey, Angie is a Minnesota freelance writer and successful cat blogger. Her trademark is her unique cat photos . It’s not a secret that cats can be pretty funny, this blog is known for posting some of those amusing videos and photos.


The Meow Blog is an awesome cat blog that is super popular among cat lovers around the world. They feature incredibly cute cat videos and cat stories as well as heartwarming cat rescue stories. Their website is awesome too, making it really fun and easy to go through all their fun posts. Be sure to also follow them on social media because they post some of the best cat content on the internet every day.

21. Kitty Loaf

Kitty Loaf is an entertaining cat blog that showcases the best cat loaf of the day. But this website is more than just a collection of funny cat photos. The Savannah Cats behind the blog are renowned product testers that focus on finding the best top-quality, durable, cat-friendly products on the market.

22. The Opinionated Pussycat

The Opinionated Pussycat is a blog run by Kiril Kundurazieff. The blog focuses on a wide range of topics from cat escapades to adoption processes, animal rescue stories, feline festivals and even cat grooming practices. The blog takes cat journalism to a whole new level and is a library of all information concerning cats.

23. 15 and Meowing

15 and Meowing is a blog that focuses on the lives of a couple living with fifteen cats. The author makes about seven blog posts per week and the purpose is simply to highlight the activities that their cats have been to including their behavior, training and visits to the vets. It is an ideal blog for people who want to find out the trouble that comes with owning cats.

24. Sandy Robins Online

Sandy Robins is one of the leading multi-media celebrity pet lifestyle expert and influencer. In her blog, Sandy discusses the great relationship between us and our cats, while outlining the trends and innovative thoughts as they happen.Sandy has authored 4 cat books including The Original Cat Bible and her award-winning work can be seen on some of the nation’s leading pet platforms such as, as well as mainstream sites such as

25. Kittycat

Kittycat is an online community for cat lovers. It deals with cat breed profiles, feline health care, pet products and services, adoptions, reviews on vets and also includes an online shop for all number of cat souvenirs including toys, jewelry and vouchers. There is a kittycat online magazine and a rescue magazine equipped with enough information for all cat lovers.

26. Lola The Rescued Cat

Lola the rescued cat is a blog that focuses on informational posts about how to raise cats, reviews on the right health products and how to keep one’s pets healthy and happy. The blog is passionate about animal rescue and promote responsible ownership of pets. There are also a lot of entertaining posts about the day to day carry experience.

27. The Catnip Times

Blogger:  Lauren Mieli. The Catnip Times is the perfect blog for anyone that is interested in learning about their cat’s behavior, care tips and the right foods for any cat. They raise awareness for diseases that affect cats that have no cure like FIP and shine the light  on the little-known effects of declawing like feline phantom pain. All articles are carefully researched and we collaborate with some of the world’s top experts and brands to bring cat owners the best and most reliable cat information.

28. Basil’s Blog

Basil’s blog is about the escapades and adventures of seven cats from the rescue Centre. Some of these adventures spin for several blog posts as suspense is a key factor. It occasionally includes brain training, book reviews, colouring with cats, pet peeves, crafting with cats and a wide array of other things.

29. Bruce the cat – Blog

Bruce the cat is a blog about a tiny cat that was found on a footpath and the cat’s progress is documented. Bruce had fever coat, a condition that appears in kittens when pigments have not been properly deposited in the fur but eventually fades away. Bruce’s coat turned from grey to black in a few months. It is simply an amazing story.

30. Happy Pet Post

Happy Pet Post is a great resource for cat caregivers looking to educate themselves about some of the best selling cat scratching posts on the market today. At Happy Pet Post you can checkout the a ton of useful product reviews, advice and tips to help keep your little tiger happy and purring.

31. Sandpiper Cat

Sandpiper cat is a blog inspired by a pregnant foster cat that miscarried her kittens. The cat was brought from a rescue foundation. The blog focuses on stories about the cat, product reviews, giveaways and interesting cat lifestyle topics.

32. Bad Cat Chris

Bad Cat Chris is simply the chronicles of a cat named Chris that was found in a rescue shelter. The blog speaks about the frustrations and entertainment that come from raising the cat and occasionally includes some product reviews.

33. Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty

Athena Cat Goddess Wise Kitty is a blog about a rescue cat and her owner. It features posts about cat care, book reviews, animal welfare, pet photography, pet rescue, cat books and cat themed products. It is mainly for cat lovers and pet owners and has a very huge following.

34. Skagit Humane

Skagit Humane is a blog by a non governmental organization that focuses on providing shelter and care for abused animals in the Skagit County. Its main aim is to increase public awareness and coordinate housing resources for housing of animals evacuated during disasters.

35. 7thHeavenCats

Lead by Marva Marrow, 7thHeaven Cats is one of the most authoritative sites for feline related issues on the web today. Marva is one of the leading certified cat behavior consultant in America helping cat caregivers with Human-Cat relationship troubleshooting

36. Traveling Cats

Traveling Cats is simply a collection of pictures of cats that were taken during the author’s travels. It is also a portrayal of the impression of the cities and countries in which the photos were taken. Readers can share their own pictures of cats in the blog.

37. The Creative Cat

Creative Cats features a lot of stories and valuable information about the health and welfare and cats coming from a person who has been involved in the rescue and fostering of cats for more than thirty years. There is a lot of creative writing, photographs and artwork involving his cats, other people’s cats and other animals in general.

38. Feline Opines

Feline Opines is a blog with stories about anything and everything from a feline’s point of view. A lot of the posts are funny, whimsical and probably fictitious but there are some serious posts too, making this a very enjoyable blog.

39. Little Big Cat

Little Big Cat is an informative blog written by a veterinarian and a cat behaviorist. It is bound to provide quality information on the health, behavior and right nutrition for both cats and dogs. It is founded on the vision to create public awareness on the right ways to raise cats and dogs and reducing the number of abandoned and stray cats.

40. Feline Behavior Solutions

Feline Behavior Solutions is a blog by a cat behaviorist who develops personalized behavior and training plans for cats and their owners. The goal of the blog is to prevent cats from being abandoned, abused and surrendered to shelters by providing the necessary education to treat behavior problems.

41. The Cat’s Meow Rescue

The Cat's Meow Rescue

The Cat’s Meow Rescue is a website for the non profit rescue by the same name that comprises of a group of advocates with the aim of saving cats and kittens from Northeast Texas shelters. Blog articles for TCMR are written by Nomi Berger, an established author and journalist of 40 years, living in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, who graciously volunteers her time and talent to help further our rescue efforts.

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