Over 23 million ticket requests for the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

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The International Football Federation (FIFA) reported on Friday that there were 23.5 million ticket requests for the 2022 World Cup final, scheduled for the period between November 21 and December 18, noting that the most demanding countries are Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and the United States.

FIFA announced on Friday that there were 23.5 million ticket requests for the upcoming 2022 World Cup in Qatar, during the latest raffle sales period which ended on Thursday, seven months before the start of the finals in the gas-rich Gulf state.

And FIFA said in a statement that “Argentina, Brazil, England, France, Mexico, Saudi Arabia and the United States are at the forefront of the most advanced countries”. He added that among the games that attracted the most fans were Argentina’s games against Mexico, Saudi Arabia and Poland, in addition to facing England and the United States, and the final match to be held on December 18.

And at the beginning of this month, FIFA indicated, after the final draw for groups and matches, that the successful candidates will be informed in whole or in part of the outcome of their applications by a date less than May 31 next. , and that they receive the steps to follow and the deadline for payment of the value of the tickets awarded.

And FIFA announced at the end of March that more than 800,000 tickets had been sold during the inaugural sales phase.

The International Gaming Federation has set reduced promotional prices for tickets, amounting to about 11 dollars for residents and residents, while ticket prices for foreign fans reach 69 dollars, but the ticket for the final match can reach around 1607 dollars.

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